Potential bin strikes: 14-22 August

It has been confirmed that unless COSLA and the Scottish Government come up with a new deal for waste and refuse workers, there will be bin strikes from 14th – 22nd August inclusive, which will affect all waste collection and recycling centres in West Lothian.
Current advice from West Lothian Council is for householders to put out domestic bins on their usual collection day. If they aren’t uplifted on that day, please take them in again and don’t present them again until the next scheduled collection day. Recycling centres will be closed for the duration of the strikes, so no bookings will be taken and please don’t attempt to access the sites.
A couple of caveats for all of this: firstly, and hopefully of course, a resolution can be found ahead of 14th August meaning no disruption to service. Failing that, Officers also anticipate that the strikes here in West Lothian may only be for one or two days during the 9-day period.
Of course, at this stage there are still no certainties in any of this as negotiations continue, so the best advice we can offer is to keep looking at the West Lothian Council website and social media channels for the most up to date information, and we will of course keep you updated as well.