No new buildings for NHS Scotland

In a huge blow to NHS boards across Scotland, it was recently announced that there’s no money for planned new building works, some of which have been in the making for years. Here in West Lothian, this means that a new treatment centre promised for St John’s Hospital in Livingston will no longer happen, and much needed work to expand and improve East Calder Health centre is on hold.
Lib Dem Councillor Sally Pattle says:
“Every health service in West Lothian has been under increasing strain in recent years, and these planned works would have helped to relieve the pressure our healthcare system is under. It is an appalling indictment of the Scottish Government that they have admitted they’ve simply run out of money, yet another failure to add to the long list of broken promises from the SNP/Green administration.
“The Scottish Liberal Democrats have a plan to train more GPs and also help tackle the burnout issues that are leading so many to leave the profession. We need a change in direction in the country where public services like GPs, not the same tired arguments about independence, come first.
"The Scottish Liberal Democrats will be part of that change. We will make sure it is a priority to tackle the crisis in our NHS.”