Consultation on local flooding

The number of Scottish homes, businesses and services at risk of flooding is predicted to increase by around 40% by the 2080s, says the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA). The Agency is carrying out a review to identify areas likely to be at risk and wants to hear from West Lothian residents.
The review looks at Potentially Vulnerable Areas (PVAs), which are areas where significant flood risk exists now or is likely to occur in the future. They are used to identify locations where a partnership approach may be required to resolve widespread and often complex flooding issues. They also inform Scotland’s Flood Risk Management Plans and Local Flood Risk Management Plans, helping responsible authorities to prioritise investment and coordinate actions to reduce the impacts of flooding on communities.
“Scotland is witnessing an increasing number of extreme weather events and flooding presents a growing threat to our communities,” said Siobhan McNulty, Flood Risk Planning Manager at SEPA. “It is vital we work together with partners and communities to identify the areas most at risk so we can work together to increase Scotland's resilience to flooding. PVAs are the first step in this process.”
As part of this, SEPA wants to hear from local communities.
“Whether you have previously been affected by flooding or have concerns about potential future impacts for your home, business or community, we want to hear from you,” said Siobhan. “Your views on the proposed PVAs will inform essential future flood risk management work so we can improve flooding resilience together and best prepare for a changing climate.”
The consultation is here and is open until 24th June.